The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in Ilocos Region conducted the first batch of the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Farm Business School (FBS) on August 5-16, 2024 at ATI-RTC I, Tebag East, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan.
The training aims to capacitate the agricultural extension workers and farmer-leaders who will serve as FBS trainers in their respective localities. This undertaking is geared towards developing potential partners to reach and equip more farmers and fishers with entrepreneurial and managerial skills.
Thirty-six (36) extension workers and farmer-leaders from the Local Government Units, State Universities and Colleges, Private Extension Service Providers, and Learning Sites for Agriculture completed the 12-day training with the commitment of implementing 10 batches of farmer-level training on FBS scheduled in September to November.

Complementary to the classroom discussions, the training employed various field activities such as surveys and benchmarking at the trading posts, markets, hospitals, and local restaurants in nearby cities and municipalities. These activities helped the trainers gain a deep understanding of the market dynamics, and observe and learn from the best practices of successful farmers and other actors along the value chain. Learnings and insights from the field activities surfaced in their re-entry plans and draft project proposals.
The agro-enterprise clustering approach was also introduced to the participants as an effective marketing strategy by providing an opportunity for farmers to collaborate, and market their produce in groups to gain easier access to markets.
The second batch is slated on October 21-31, 2024.