Transparency Seal

ATI-RTC 1 Transparency Seal


In compliance with Section 93 of the General Appropriations Act of FY 2012, the ATI Regional Training Center 1 displays this seal to enhance transparency and enforce accountability in its programs and services.

1. Agency Mandate, Vision, Mission and List of ATI-RTC 1 Officials and Employees

2. Annual Financial Reports

a. Statement of Allotment, Obligation and Balances

b. Disbursement and Income

ATI Report of Disbursements 2011-2013
ATI Statement of Income and Expenses 2011-2012
ATI Report of Income as of September 2013

3. DBM Approved Budget and Targets
FY 2017 Work and Financial Plan

4. Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries and Status of Implementation
Evaluation of the FFS on the Adoption of Palaycheck System – completed
Evaluation on Training of Trainors on Palaycheck System – completed
Evaluation of the Season-Long Training of Trainers on Integrated Pest Management (TOT-IPM) of Corn (2006-2008) in Region I – completed
Impact Evaluation on the Implementation of the Expanded Human Resource Development Program – Local Scholarship Program (EHRDP-LSP) from CY 2000-2009 - completed
Evaluation of the 4-H Club Extension Support – on-going

5. Annual Procurement Plan (APP) and Procurement Monitoring Report (PMR)


APP CY2024 | PMR CY2024

APP CY2023 | PMR CY2023

CY 2017

6. System of Ranking Delivery Units for FY 2018 PBB
Guidelines on Ranking of DA-OSEC Delivery Units as Basis for Granting of PBB for FY 2018

7. The Agency Review and Compliance Procedure of Statements and Financial Disclosures
ATI Guidelines in the Review and Compliance Procedures in the Filing and Submission of Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections

8. The Final People's Freedom to Information (FOI) Manual signed by Head of Agency
ATI Freedom of Information Manual

ATI Certificate of Compliance 2018

ATI Certificate of Compliance 2019

9. Quality Management System Certified by International Certifying Body
ATI RTC 1 ISO 9001:2015 Certificate issued by TUV SUD Asia Pacific, valid for 2021-03-03 until 2023-10-23.

ATI ISO 9001:2015 Certificate issued by TUV SUD Asia Pacific, valid for 2019-04-16 until 2020-10-22.

ATI's Certificate of Recognition by Government Quality Management Committee