Fri, 07/14/2023 - 17:19
Pafes feed AGNOR

Butuan City - The Province of Agusan del Norte recently witnessed the roll-out of the second training intervention under the Province-led Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Systems (PAFES). The three-day training, titled "Training on Feed Formulation using Locally-available Materials," took place with the aim of equipping farmers and Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) with essential knowledge and skills in feed formulation.

Organized by the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in partnership with the Provincial Government Unit - PVET Agusan del Norte, the training brought together twenty-one (21) AEWs, farmers, and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector. The event was held at Charlie's Dormitel from July 12-14, 2023.

The training course was designed to address the pressing need for locally-sourced feed solutions, considering the challenges posed by fluctuating market prices and limited accessibility to commercial feeds. By providing farmers with the expertise to produce their own feed and create silage as an alternative feed source, the program aimed to enhance self-sufficiency and promote cost-effective practices in livestock management.

Dr. Marichu P. Chiong, Veterinarian II of PVET - Agusan Norte, delivered the opening remarks to set the tone for the training. The event was also graced by OIC- Assistant Center Director and PAFES Focal Person, Violeta T. Laguna. Dr. Belen M. Aruelo, the Provincial Veterinarian, also lent her support to the initiative.

PAFES played a crucial role in making this training possible by providing funds and resources to execute the program effectively. The collaborative efforts of ATI and PLGU - Agusan del Norte resulted in accomplishing the PAFES target for the province as well as tapping into the expertise of other partner agencies to ensure the training's success.

With a focus on practical knowledge, the training sessions covered essential topics, including the importance of silage, understanding the nutritional requirements of livestock animals, and the economics of feed production. Resource persons from partner agencies, including Romualdo I. Bongabong, Training Specialist III from the National Dairy Authority (NDA) Northern Mindanao, and Gemma A. Asufre, Agricultural Center Chief III of the Department of Agriculture - Caraga, delivered relevant modules throughout the three-day event.

The participants expressed their appreciation for the valuable training opportunity, emphasizing the significance of collective efforts in finding sustainable feed solutions for livestock. One participant, Juniel Rey Gigaquit, remarked, "The three-day training has made me realize that I am not alone in the efforts of finding alternative feeds in raising livestock. Being able to join Team Bahug has now given me a bigger and better avenue in this pursuit. I am sure that with continuous development while working hand-in-hand with our farmers, we will be able to achieve the goals that we set for the future of agriculture in our region."

