Sun, 04/24/2022 - 20:10

BUTUAN CITY Twenty participants completed and received their certificates of completion during the Training of Trainers (TOT) on Digital Farmers Program (DFP). This was conducted by the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center (ATI-RTC) 13 in Balanghai Hotel, Butuan City on April 20-22, 2022.

Digital Farmers Program 102
Twenty participants completed and received their certificates of completion during the Training of Trainers (TOT) on Digital Farmers Program (DFP) in Balanghai Hotel, Butuan City on April 20-22, 2022.

The said training was participated by the staff and Cooperators from the Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA) Farms in Region 13. This was also attended by the selected Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) particularly from the cities and municipalities with Farmers Information and Technology Services (FITS) Centers.

Participants were able to learn the components of the Digital Farmers Program (DFP) which covers the lessons from DFP 101 and 102. They were able to learn the basic and advanced agriculture applications, introduction and advanced social media marketing, e-commerce platforms and digital transactions.

As trainers, LSA staff and AEWs were taught on the basics of smartphone and how to discuss those topics to the farmers and youth when they conduct training on DFP 101 and 102 someday. Protocols on internet safety as well as accessing the internet was also discussed during the training.

Ginalyn V. Arbutante, Information Officer II, Fil Victor A. Babanto, Information Officer III, Maria Den Parrro, Ag. I and John Paul Abonitalla, Technical Staff served as Resource Persons during the 3-day training. Simulation session was done during the last day of the training. This is to know whether the trained participants are ready for the field wherein they will train the farmers and youths regarding the benefits of the Digital Farmers Program.

Re-entry Plans, Facebook Pages, Social Media Marketing Plans, Pay Maya Accounts and Dream Boards are the outputs of the TOT. It was also agreed that each participant will send a microteaching video five days after the training. The said video will cover the topics on the Digital Farmers Program 101 and 102.

The Training of Trainers on Digital Farmers Program was spearheaded by the Information Services Section (ISS) of the ATI-RTC 13.
