Mon, 09/11/2023 - 20:27

BATAC, Ilocos Norte - The 2023 International Conference on eLearning (ICE) took place from September 7-9, 2023 at the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU). Under the theme "Breaking the ICE: Collaboration and Engagement Towards a Stable and Inclusive Hybrid Learning Ecosystem," this event made groundbreaking discussions on eLearning education.

Dr. Saturnina Nisperos, the Dean of the College of Computing and Information Science at MMSU, emphasized the importance of collaboration and engagement in shaping the future of eLearning. She said this during her welcome address on Day 1.

Dr. Janice Antoinette Forster of Silliman University and the current Philippine eLearning Society (PeLS) President, noted in her speech the importance of eLearning education and ICE as an invaluable platform for the exchange of knowledge within the eLearning community.

The three-day event was packed with knowledge-sharing sessions, plenary discussions, and paper presentations. Around 30 paper presenters shared their research and experiences while 2-4 plenary speakers conveyed insights and innovations each day.

The conference also featured sponsor presentations by industry giants such as Beenet, Canvas, BonEagle, Nephilia Web Technology, and C&E Publishing.

To mention a few papers during the parallel presentations were "AbelAble: Interactive Mobile Learning Kit in Iloco Loom Weaving" and "Development of a Web-based Open Educational Resources System: Open Online Courses, Educational Platforms, and Teaching-Learning Resources."

Day 2 and 3 commenced with a synthesis of the previous day. Organizers also solicited key takeaways from the participants for purposes of interaction, feedback, and assessment.

The ICE concluded on the third day (September 9) with another round of plenary sessions. The closing ceremony happened in the afternoon.

The highlight of the closing program was the awarding of the best paper presentations as a recognition of the outstanding works of the researchers/presenters in the field of eLearning.

The PeLS Board of Trustees, as the brains behind ICE 2023, extended their heartfelt thanks to MMSU for hosting the event, as well as to the participants, sponsors, and volunteers.
