Thu, 07/20/2023 - 08:28
FA reps in PDI complete training on vegetable prod'n
Participants, together with resource speaker Edito Casido, visited the provincial vegetable garden on July 19, 2023 where they identified various insects, pests, and diseases in vegetables.

SAN JOSE, Province of Dinagat Islands (PDI) - Eighteen farmers from the Province of Dinagat Islands (PDI) received their certificate of completion after the three-day Training on Vegetable Production and Management Batch 1 held on June 17-19, 2023 in San Jose, PDI.

It aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of vegetable farmers in producing safe and good quality products incorporating the organic agriculture system and management.

The completers, who were mostly first-time participants of ATI, were members of six farmer associations (FAs) within the province. Resource Persons from the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist (OPAg) were Edito R. Casido, Senior Agriculturist, and Milky O. Ebueza, Agricultural Technologist.

The activity was highlighted by the participants' hands-on preparation of different concoctions using available materials in the locality (FFJ, FPJ, and OHN) and visitation to the provincial vegetable garden where participants examined and identified various insects, pests, and diseases.

It was conducted under the Gender and Development Program of ATI-RTC XIII in partnership with the OPAg.
