Wed, 03/09/2022 - 14:52
Participants listen to updates given during the dialogue for the National Livestock program on March 8, 2022.

VCDU PRINCE HOTEL, Butuan City – With its goal to provide updates and harmonize activities in the livestock sector in the region, the Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center (ATI-RTC) XIII represented by Florita Lozada, livestock point person, attended the Regional Dialogue for the National Livestock Program (NLP) on March 8, 2022.

The said activity was spearheaded by the Department of Agriculture – Caraga Region Livestock Program. Attached agencies and line bureaus, city and provincial veterinarians, and representatives were present.

Updates were given on the NLP trust and priorities by Jekem D. Sanchez, DA- Caraga Region’s livestock focal person; African Swine fever (ASF) status and Sentinel Procedure by Dr. Apple Jaromahum , Veterinarian II and ASF coordinator. Dr. Aldwin P. Cuenca, Veterinarian IV of the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), also reported updates on its office’s undertaking.

Other agencies who came were Dr. Maria Ancilla S. Zartiga, Regional Technical Director of the National Meat Inspection Services (NMIS), Jester Jhon P. Jadap, Manager of the National Dairy Authority (NDA), and Charlito O. Brilleta, Regional Manager of Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC). An open forum then took place and issues and concerns were discussed and addressed.
