Fri, 03/08/2024 - 12:58


The Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center 02, in collaboration with the National Meat Inspection Service - Regional Technical Operation Center 02, recently concluded a comprehensive Training on Good Hygienic Slaughtering Practices from February 26 to 28, 2024.

Aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of participants in ensuring the humane treatment of animals and the production of safe and high-quality meat products for human consumption. Twenty-five meat inspection officers were engaged in hands-on activities, workshops, and discussions, equipping them with practical techniques to ensure food safety and quality.

Led by experts in the field, the training emphasized the significance of adhering to proper slaughtering practices to reduce health hazards. Through interactive sessions, attendees gained a deeper understanding of sanitation protocols, animal welfare considerations, and the importance of maintaining a clean and organized slaughtering environment. Such initiatives by the ATI and NMIS play a pivotal role in promoting responsible practices and safeguarding public health.

By fostering a collaborative learning environment, the initiative aimed to instill a culture of accountability and proficiency among meat inspection officers, thereby strengthening the nation's food safety infrastructure. With a renewed commitment to implementing best practices, the participants emerged as Hygiene Heroes, ready to champion excellence in all aspects of meat production and inspection.

Stakeholders' persistent commitment to preserving public health and raising industry standards is demonstrated by the Training on Hygienic Slaughtering Practices' successful culmination. Initiatives such as these are essential building blocks for strengthening consumer confidence and advancing sustainable food systems as the agriculture landscape continues to change.

Upon the completion of the three-day program, participants have gained fresh insights and tactics to apply clean slaughtering procedures in their respective municipalities. The provision of safe and high-quality food items to consumers in the region continues to be a major focus, with a dedication to constant improvement and adherence to standards.


#Jerome Angel/Fernando S. Battad, Jr.
