Fri, 03/24/2023 - 13:21

Basic Course on Pig Husbandry for Swine Multiplier Farms Implementers capacitated 22 INSPIRE beneficiaries on pig husbandry and operationalization of their Swine Multiplier and Techno-demo Farms. The course was conducted on March 20-24, 2023 at Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center 02, Malasin, San Mateo, Isabela.

The Department of Agriculture - National Livestock Program (DA-NLP) had launched the Integrated National Swine Production Initiatives for Recovery and Expansion (INSPIRE) program to help the hog industry recover from the impacts of the African Swine Fever.

At present, the DA-NLP through the DA-Regional Field Office 02 and ATI-RTC 02 is establishing a 300-head capacity Fattener Production Demo Farm, 30-Sow Level Swine Multiplier Farm, and Swine Artificial Insemination sa Barangay (SWAIB) in region 02.

ATI-RTC 02 conducted the course which was designed exclusively for Swine Multiplier and Techno-demo farms recipients. This aimed to strengthen their capacity to manage their own multiplier farms that would be a source of stocks for their constituents and livestock distribution initiatives in the long run.

Amy Eguia, OIC Training Center Superintendent I, and Engr. Jose Mari Cuasay, Training Specialist II, graced the training as resource persons all the way from ATI-ITCPH in Lipa City, Batangas. The Center's resident Veterinarian Dr. Maurieann Turingan also served as resource person.

The 5-day course covered topics on basic knowledge in swine production and management; record-keeping and analysis in swine production; designing appropriate pig house; correct nutrition and feeding techniques; ideal production cycle; marketing plan for pig farming as an enterprise; and appropriate techniques in managing pig farm.

Consisted of endorsed FCA members, the participants watched demonstration videos on castration, heat detection, and artificial insemination. They also learned about drug and biologics administration and judging the health condition of sow and piglet through workshops.

“In all honesty I was overly motivated when the training started. I really appreciated the things that I discovered and learned from the different topics that each speaker shared. The topics in this training are timely, relevant and necessary for pig husbandry. It is really informative and applicable to our livelihood as farmers,” shared Giovanni Canceran of Dacque Farmers Agriculture Cooperative in Cabagan, Isabela.

The INSPIRE program aims to speed up the recovery of the hog sector from the damage brought by the African Swine Fever. It is a 3-year program that offers various interventions to revive the swine industry.

Participant's impression


The participants of the Basic Course on Pig Husbandry

