Mon, 05/29/2023 - 11:57

Cagayan Valley Region is one of the largest rice producing regions in the country. Increasing the average yield of the region is important to lessen rice importation and help in the achievement of rice self-sufficiency of the country.

With this, a total of 20 Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) from different municipalities recently attended the Refresher Course on PalayCheck System at ATI San Mateo Center, San Mateo, Isabela from May 22-26, 2023.

Through the technical experts, the AEWs were updated on rice industry of the region, PalayCheck Systemโ€™s concepts, principles and KeyChecks, rice production technology, exhibit skills in the safety operation of rice machineries, use ICT tools in rice production and prepare doable action plan.

Lecture on PalayCheck

The PalayCheck System is an integrated crop management system that presents the best key technology and management practices. It also recognizes that rice growing is a production system consisting of a range of factors that are interdependent and interrelated on the growth and yield of rice as well as on grain quality and conservation of the environment.

Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) play a vital role in the dissemination and promotion of new technologies in their locality. Hence, it is vital for them to be updated on rice production technologies especially on PalayCheck System for them to be more effective extension agents.

Graduates of PalayCheck