Mon, 08/12/2024 - 17:12

The Rural Improvement Club (RIC) Officers of the 33 barangays of San Mateo, Isabela gathered for the first-ever Mass Oath-taking Ceremony at the Faustino N. Dy Memorial Gymnasium on August 12, 2024. More than 350 officers women leaders took their oath which made the event historic.


The oath-taking ceremony was officiated by Municipal Mayor, Atty. Gregorio A. Pua. He said on his message that the collaboration of the government agencies is the primary key to the success of RIC. He also challenged the group to make San Mateo a greener and cooler place to live in. “I challenge you to start tree planting activity.  Plant fruit-bearing trees and start it in our backyards. It would help our town to lessen the heat that we are experiencing and it fosters a sense of shared responsibility and stewardship for our local environment.  Please, take serious consideration on tree planting. Let us join together towards a better place,” he said.


Hon. Jonabel P. Collado, also challenged the RIC officers to lead the women’s group in San Mateo to innovate. She also added that she is looking forward to see products made by the San Mateo RIC to be displayed at the Pasalubong Center of the town. Collado also said that as part of their products innovation, they were trying to land in the weaving industry aside from enhancing the existing products produced and developed by the RIC. She also congratulated the RIC for bringing pride to San Mateo. “The Sanguniang Bayan members already talked with the barangay officials to allocate funds for women. You just need to approach your barangay captains to collaborate and invest on trainings. Always remember that we are here to support you,” she said.

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ATI-RTC 02 OIC-Center Director, Dr. Claris Marayag-Alaska, represented by Mr. Vladimir B. Caliguiran, expressed his gratitude to the LGU for taking the initiative to arrange the Mass Oath-taking. According to him, women carry a major responsibility for the community's development since they are the center of the household, the family, and the community. According to him, women are ingenious and creative thinkers, which is why the ATI-RTC 02 anticipates further innovation from the RIC. He said that RIC is strengthening the relationships by acting as a conduit for cooperation. Additionally, Mr. Caliguiran gave the RIC Officers the 3Ks' astounding remarks, “The first is Kaalaman (Knowledge). We must continue to learn and share knowledge. The second K is Kakayahan. We need to continuously enhance your skills and talents to be an effective RIC, and from that Kakayahan we can achieve Kaunlaran (development), and  the last K to complete those 3Ks is Kababaihan (women) amplifying that women has the pivotal role in development,” he said.


On her closing remarks, Ms. Gloria T. Tagarian, RIC Federation President of San Mateo and Provincial President of Isabela, said that the Mass Oath-taking was a big event for them and she return the honor to God for the historic event. “The challenges given to us are immense however, let us take the challenge step-by-step. We will take it one at a time. We will become an effective group to the the alignment to the mission and vision of our town.  Tayo ay magiging kabalikat, hindi pabigat," she said.


Ms. Francisca C. Yuro, RIC Focal Person presented the background and bylaws of the RIC. The presentation serves as a guideline in executing  their role as women’s group. Ms. Evangelyn D. Dannug, Provincial RIC Federation President, was also present during the Mass Oath-taking. Dannug happily announced the upcoming RIC Achievement Day to be conducted on October 13, 2024  at Jones, Isabela, where exciting contested activities lined up for women such as cookfest, product display, trashformation, product development, and Ginang RIC 2024. She also discussed the projects and programs initiated by the RIC federation.  “Let's help together towards Bagong Pilipinas,” she said.


The Oath-taking Ceremony was led by the Local Government Unit (LGU) San Mateo headed by the Municipal Mayor, Atty. Gregorio A. Pua, the Saguniang Bayan Members; specifically SB Jonabel Collado, Chairperson Committee on Agriculutre, and SB Jennifer Ramones, Vice Chairperson, and the Municipal Agriculture Office led by the OIC-Municipal Agriculturist, Dr. Ana Mylene S. Basilio in partnership with the Agricultural Training Institute Regional Training Center 02 (ATI-RTC 02) headed by OIC-Center Director, Dr. Claris Marayag-Alaska, represented by Mr. Vladimir B. Caliguiran, Chief, Information Services Section, and Ms. Ancis C. Yuro, Media Production Specialist II and RIC Focal Person. The event was also graced of Isabela Provincial RIC Coordinator, Ms. Evangeline Dannug, representing the Provincial Agriculturist, Dr. Marites E. Frogoso.


