Secretary Dar Visits Techno-Demo of Hydroponically Produced Green Barley at ATI MIMAROPA

Mon, 09/27/2021 - 10:43
ATI Barley Techno Demo
Center Director Pat Andrew Barrientos explains the Techno Demo on Barley Project

Geared for possible technology transfer of hydroponically produced green barley among farmers and other stakeholders, Agriculture Secretary William Dar visited recently the Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center (ATI-RTC) - MIMAROPA to see the Technology Demonstration of Hydroponically Produced Green Barley, a partnership project of ATI-RTC MIMAROPA and Egy-Phil Corporation.

The said techno demo which consists of swine and poultry aims to assess the potential of green barley as feed component for swine and poultry.

“This kind of technology should be given a try and we are hoping for positive results after our research study. This could give our farmers an increased income with healthier feed supply for our livestock,” Mr. Pat Andrew B. Barrientos, Center Director of ATI MIMAROPA said.

Meanwhile, during visit, Center Director Barrientos and Mr. Osama Mahmoud Farag S. Ellithy, an Egyptian consultant and partner of the techno-demo oriented Secretary Dar and Assistant Secretary Noel Reyes on the benefits and procedures of the outbound cultivation of green barley as feed supplement for livestock and poultry. Moreover, value-adding of green barley for food consumption was showcased. 

Aside from this, Secretary Dar spearheaded the cutting of the ribbon of Center’s improved Knowledge Learning Center or e-Lounge.

Secretary Dar was accompanied by Mr. Pat Andrew B. Barrientos, Center Director of ATI MIMAROPA and other chiefs and directorates from Department of Agriculture and attached bureaus on September 24, 2021. Prior to his visit at ATI MIMAROPA compound, Secretary Dar also visited other DA’s facilities and projects in Oriental Mindoro.
