Bright smiles draw on the faces of future trainers as they perform hands-on activities and field work using farm machinery with Mr. Eulito Vidal, farmer-trainer of GLS agricultural integrated farm.
NEW WASHINGTON, Aklan – ATI Region 6 seals the last batch of Training of Trainers on the Production of High-Quality Inbred Rice and Seeds and Farm Mechanization composed of 25 Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) and Farmer Leaders from Aklan, Antique, and Capiz on May 6-17, 2024 at GLS Agricultural Integrated Farm.
This 12-day training aimed to equip participants with knowledge and skills to become effective trainers, facilitators, and resource persons in implementing the modified season-long farmers’ field school on high-quality inbred rice and seed production and mechanization in their respective locality.
In 2019, the Duterte administration successfully passed the Rice Tariffication Law (RTL), which removed the quantitative restrictions on rice imports and replaced them with a tariff.
The National Food Authority (NFA) dominated the rice market for decades. This monopoly power over imports and prices led to Filipino consumers paying high rice prices, the government subsidizing NFA losses, and rice farmers remaining poor. Although meant to stabilize rice prices, the system reached a crisis point in 2018 when a severe rice shortage became a significant driver of inflation, which rose by a factor of 10. The effects were felt disproportionately by people experiencing poverty, who spend most of their household budget on essential food items.
Rodel R. Leyson, Training Specialist II of ATI Region 6, is thrilled to welcome the last batch of trainers on RCEP. He accentuated that they were lucky enough to be part of this training. He continued, “Let us give ourselves a big round of applause. For the past years of its implementation, this is the last batch of trainers in the RCEF Program. You are lucky enough to be part of trainers who will capacitate our farmers to improve our regional rice industry.”

Dionel Mark I. Yap, farmer representing GLS Agricultural Integrated Farm, performs transplanting with the aid of a rice transplanter.
The participants found great value in the diverse topics and hands-on activities conducted during the training. Some of the topics and hands-on activities were as follows:
- Understanding RCEP and its Implications to Rice Farmers;
- Transformational Leadership;
- The Adult Learner;
- Effective Communication Skills of a Trainer;
- Effective Presentation and Facilitation Skills;
- Effective Teaching Aid Preparation;
- How to Conduct FFS Establishing Learning Field or PTD;
- Rice Morphology and Growth Stages;
- Overview of the Palay Check System;
- Methods of Crop Establishment;
- Methods of Raising Healthy Seedlings;
- INM Concepts and Principles and Essential Elements and their Deficiency Symptoms;
- Fertilizers and Fertilizer Computation;
- Water Saving Technologies;
- IPM Concepts;
- Weeds: Its Biology and Management;
- Rice Insect Pests and their Natural Enemies;
- Golden Apple Snails: Its Biology and Management;
- Crop Cut, Yield, and Yield Components;
- Harvesting Machines;
- Conduct of Actual AESA;
- Basic Financial Management;
- Basic Financial Literacy;
- Post-harvest Machines and Post-harvest Operations;
- Seed Quality and Certification;
- Final Analysis of Key Checks;
- Farm Machinery Operation and Safety;
- Introduction to ICT Services in Rice Production and
- Field Work
One of the highlights of this training is lighting up the torch of knowledge gained through micro-teaching. Micro-teaching is designed to promote teaching and active learning, provide the farmers with real-world classroom experience, improve intellectual skills and interaction, introduce farmers to new teaching methods, and boost their confidence in facing clientele. Joyce D. Francisco of LGU Bugasong, Antique topped this batch of microteaching with a 96% rating.

Arleo Jay O. Zaulda, a Licensed Agriculturist from Libacao, Aklan, expresses himself as he breaks the barrier and goes out to the circle of limitations.
Arleo Jay O. Zaulda, a Licensed Agriculturist from Libacao, Aklan, expressed his gratitude during his impression. He said, “The experience has been transformative. Every moment spent in this training has been enlightening and empowering, from learning innovative farming techniques to fostering a sense of community among fellow farmers. The hands-on approach and expert guidance have equipped us with invaluable skills and knowledge that we will carry with us throughout our agricultural journey.”
For the fifth year of RCEF implementation, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), as the capacity builder, knowledge bank, and catalyst of the Department of Agriculture, will continue to implement the Regional Training of Trainers on Production of high-quality Inbred Rice and Seeds, and Farm Mechanization to the 42 priority provinces of RCEF.

The Last Warriors: proud and mighty trainers harvest their toil with Rodel R. Leyson, Training Specialist II, Eli Grace Z. Sanbuenaventura, Technical Support Staff IV/Project Officer, and Edmar Z. Zamora, Technical Support Staff of ATI Region 6.