Sat, 05/20/2023 - 17:25


Participants from Group 2 after operating a four-wheel tractor
Participants take rest after operating the four-wheel tractor during their farm machinery demonstration session.


BANGA, Aklan – ATI Region 6 conducted the fourth Training of Trainers on the Production of High-Quality Inbred Rice and Seeds and Farm Mechanization at the ATI Training Hall, May 8-19, 2023. Twenty-eight Aklanon trainers from different Learning Site for Agriculture participated in the intensive 12-day program.

The training aims to create a pool of trainers with enhanced knowledge, skills and attitude on implementing the Modified Season-Long Farmer Field School on the Production of High-Quality Inbred Rice and Seeds. The activities performed were lectures, workshops, and hands-on or fieldwork. The topics discussed include, Transformational Leadership; Understanding RCEP and its implications to rice farmers; Rice Industry Situationer; the PalayCheck System; Farm Machinery Operation and Safety; Financial Analysis (Technical Requirements of Operating and Maintaining Selected Agricultural Machinery for Rice); Policies and Guidelines on Seed Certification; Introduction to ICT Services in Rice Production; Basic Financial Management; Principles of Adult Learning; Hands-on/Field Works (ASEA and Farm Machinery Operation); and Microteaching.

Furthermore, the trainees performed field works like AESA on Rice and Farm Machinery Operations at the GLS Agricultural Integrated Farm at Mataphao, New Washington, Aklan.

This training course is in direct support to the Key Components of Rice Enhancement Competitiveness Program (RCEP), which are:

1) rice farm mechanization;

2) inbred rice seed development, propagation, and promotion;

3) expanded rice credit assistance and;

4) rice extension services

 “When I was endorsed to become a trainer I feel so blessed because now, I am trying to become a transformational leader, become more confident, and conquer all my fears. Upon knowing PalayCheck System, I realized I have to help our farmers because they need this, now,” said Christian Lee A. Retiro from Dos Ijas Farm.

As one of the significant factors in the success of the RCEF-RESP goals, RCEF facilitators/trainers must be fully equipped with knowledge and skills to provide proper technical assistance to rice farmers.
