Heads and representatives (L-R) of DA-RFO 6’s Regional Executive Director Dennis Arpia, ATI Region 6’s Center Director Mary Ann A. Ramos, and BFAR Director Junel Soriano, sign the MOU that formally sealed their partnership for the Agriculture and Fisheries Resources, Research and Extension for Development Network (AFRREDN).
JARO, Iloilo City – ATI Region 6, DA-RFO6, BFAR, some SUCs, and other AFE concerned agencies collaborate towards AFE research, development, and extension through the Agriculture and Fisheries Resources, Research and Extension for Development Network (AFRREDN). A ceremonial signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) occurs on October 29, 2024, at WESVIARC, Hamungaya.
Corresponding heads and representatives of the said agencies, including ATI Region 6’s Center Director Mary Ann A. Ramos, attended and signed the MOU that formally sealed their partnership as research, development, and extension (R4DE) institutions, guided by a common agenda and programs to avoid duplication of efforts and save resources.

Ms. Ramos fully supports the AFRREDN and honors the partnership and possible collaboration toward successful research and extension endeavors in Western Visayas.
“We at ATI are here to assist you in disseminating information about research and extension. We will introduce new technologies in agriculture and fisheries to our partners and stakeholders, especially in extension. We are honored to be a part of this network,” said Center Director Ramos during the opening program.
Meanwhile, Ms. Liezel Margie Lou S. Bastian-Ocheda, Media Production Specialist II of ATI Region 6, presented the Digital Farmers Program (DFP) as one of the Center’s relevant programs to the participants. DFP is a training course that aims to close the digital skills gap and promote digital inclusion in farming. Hence, it allows clients to adapt to the advent of new technologies while practicing their ways in agriculture.

Representatives from the stakeholders of AFRREDN hold the signed MOU that signals the network’s initial take-off.
AFRREDN creates a partnership mechanism for R4DE stakeholders, serves as a conversational space to discuss R4DE issues and concerns, delivers relevant interventions and quality programs and services, and maximizes limited R4DE resources by reducing duplication and overlaps. DA RFO Regional Executive Director Dennis R. Arpia chaired the network with members coming from DA Research Outreach Stations (ROS), State Colleges and Universities (SUCs), Provincial and Local Government Units (LGUs), ATI-accredited private extension service providers, ATI-accredited learning sites for agriculture (LSA), and Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Council.