- A farm that practices applicable agricultural technologies, employs doable farming strategies, and operates successfully, thus, worthy of emulation.
- The Farmer/Farm Family is relatively advanced compared to the rest of the farmers.
- The LSA includes a successful agri-processing enterprise owned by a processor who is not necessarily a farmer/farm family.
- a practicum area to complement classroom learning;
- a venue for training and other extension activities like practical and hands-on learning for immediate use;
- visit area for farmers, rural community members, ATI’s training participants, agriculture students, and other private individuals; work immersion site for students from schools; and
- source of the other extension services in the field such as farm business advisory services, information support, and technology demonstration.
1. Farming LSAs. A farm that practicing/engaged in any of the farming activities such as:
- Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), various crops;
- Good Animal Husbandry Practice (GAHP), various animals;
- Natural Farming. A farm practicing organic agriculture but not yet certified by the Organic Agriculture Certifying Body;
- Organic Agriculture. The farm is certified by the Organic Agriculture Certifying Body;
- Integrated/diversified farming, to cater to those not yet certified as GAP/OA/GAHP, includes commodity-based farming system;
- Cut Flowers, Ornamentals, and Succulents;
- Halal; and
- Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture. Growing crops and raising livestock, poultry, and fish in an urban setting. No minimum area requirement but the farm must be productive
2. Agri-Processing LSA. The farmers and non-farmers who are engaged in the processing of fruits & vegetables, meat, fish, and other agricultural products including the by-products of agricultural commodities.
Farming LSA
The Farm
- can be any of the following: (a) Privately-owned; (b) Farmers/Fishers Organization operated farm (RBO - 4H Club, RIC, P4MP, IAs, IPs Organization, MS Organization, ARB Organization, Coconut Farmers Association/ Cooperatives other farmers/ fishers associations; farmers/fishers cooperatives); and (c) Government-owned
- is integrated and diversified; a specialized farm producing a specific commodity; a farm demonstrating AF technology/ies.
- has basic techno-demo farm facilities: (a) Technology Demonstration Area (with minimum requirement of 1,000 sq.m. except for urban and peri-urban agriculture garden with no minimum area requirement; 1 ha. for Coconut-based Farm under the CFIDP; 25 heads for Livestock); (b) Holding Area; (c) Wash Area; and (d) Toilet; and
- is accessible by land and other transportation facilities.
The Farmer/Farm Family
- is a graduate of Agriculture/Fisheries training courses/programs relevant to the operation of an LSA, photocopy of the certificate as evidence;
- is a farm tiller or should be the main actor in the operation of the farm, not just a farm owner/business person;
- should be willing and able to demonstrate technology/ies in the farm to the clientele at the time needed;
- is a farmer-leader or is respected in the community with (certification of good standing from Barangay Captain or other authorities in the community as evidence);
- should be willing to be trained regularly;
- is physically fit to perform the responsibilities of an LSA operator and the LSA;
- a Filipino citizen residing in the country;
- is registered in the RSBSA by the DA; in the case of coconut-based farmers - is registered in the NCFRS by the PCA.
Agri-Processing LSA
The Enterprise
- can be any of the following: (a) Privately-owned with business permit and DTI registration; (b) Farmers/Fishers Organization operated enterprise (RBO - 4H Club, RIC, P4MP, IAs, IP Organization, MS Organization, ARB Organization, other farmers/fishers associations; farmers/fishers cooperatives) with a business permit and a DTI registration; (c) Government-owned for learning purposes;
- has basic agri-processing facilities: (a) Technology Demonstration Area; (b) Holding Area; (c) Wash Area; and (d) Toilet;
- is either multi-product or specialized;
- is accessible by land and other transportation facilities.
The Agri-Processing Enterprise Owner
- may not necessarily be a farmer/farm family;
- is a graduate of Agriculture/Fisheries processing training courses/programs relevant to the operation of a LSA;
- is the main actor in the operation of the agri-enterprise, not just the business owner;
- should be willing and able to demonstrate technology/ies of the agri-enterprise to the clientele at the time needed;
- is a leader or is respected in the community;
- should be willing to be trained regularly;
- is physically fit to perform the responsibilities of an LSA operator and the LSA;
- a Filipino citizen residing in the country;
- Other considerations (if applicable):
- Recipient of processing equipment and facilities, other benefits from the DA agencies, and other development agencies (DTI, DOST, etc.)
- Recipient of agri-processing related awards from credible institutions).
- Should be successful in demonstrating farming or the agri-processing enterprise for learning purposes;
- must have a staff permanently assigned with a Special Order/Designation as evidence to maintain and demonstrate technologies of the farm or the agri-processing enterprise to the Clients at any given time; and
- Generally, fall under the “Technical Assistance “Only” category.
- For LSA I with fund support: (a) Prepare a development plan for the enhancement of LSA I; (b) Provide a counterpart in the enhancement of LSA I; (c) Implement the development plan as approved and completed based on the agreed time frame; and (d) Notify the ATI upon completion of the development plan through an LSA Project Completion Report.
- For the farming LSA, implement a diversified and integrated farming system/specialized farming/AF technology/ies;
- For the agri-processing enterprise, implement and promote agri-processing activities through the value-chain;
- Make available the farm/agri-processing enterprise as a demonstration area for hands-on learning;
- Provide lectures/orientations to on-site training participants, visiting groups, ATI’s scholarship grantees, 4-H youth trainees, and other groups arranged by the ATI;
- Share the technologies applied to fellow farmers/agri-processors;
- Attend ATI-required monitoring and capability-building interventions/ activities;
- Maintain operation records such as production and sales data, technologies developed/shared, farm/processing enterprise activities undertaken, visitors and trainees served, and other relevant accomplishments;
- Allow the ATI personnel to conduct field monitoring and visits and provide honest information to questions raised;
- Submit a semestral accomplishment report to the ATI which contains the operations records maintained, among others; and
- Sustain the operation as LSA I for five (5) years.

Step 1: Briefing. The applicant shall be briefed about the procedure, requirements, and responsibilities of an LSA using the LSA Briefer.
Step 2: Self-Assessment. The applicant shall conduct a self-assessment if they are qualified to become a certified LSA I based on the briefer.
Step 3: Submission of duly accomplished documentary requirements. The LSA applicants shall submit the following documentary requirements: (a) Signed Briefer; (b) Self-Assessment form; (c) Letter of Intent to become a farming/agri-processing enterprise LSA addressed to ATI Director; (d) Endorsement from Municipal/City Agriculture Office or Provincial Agriculture Office; and (e) Farm/Agri-Processing Enterprise Profile Form; Additional requirements (If applicable):
- For agri-processing enterprise, certified true copy of the business permit and DTI/FDA registration;
- For government institutions, a Special Order designating/assigning a permanent staff for the operations of the farm/agri-processing enterprise;
- For organizations, a Board Resolution, SEC Registration / Articles of Incorporation / BIR Registration;
Step 4: Evaluation of Documentary Requirements. The submitted documentary requirements shall be reviewed upon receipt of the application. The applicant will be informed about the results;
Step 5: Field/Virtual Validation. The field/virtual validation shall be undertaken by the TWG to ensure compliance or conformity to approved guidelines.
Step 6: Endorsement of LSA application documents to ATI-CO by the ATI-RTCs. A scanned copy of duly accomplished application documents with endorsement of the RTWG.
Step 7: Issuance of Certificate and Memorandum of Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding Signing. Complete application requirements shall be issued Certification as LSA.
- LSA Self-assessment Form
- Duly filled-out and signed LSA Farm Profile Form
- Signed Letter of Intent for LSA Application Form
- Signed Briefer of the LSA Program
Kindly secure also an Endorsement Letter from your City Agriculture Office.
As soon as they are all done, please submit the duly filled out forms and the endorsement letter (scanned copies) to ati_7cv@yahoo.com . We will notify you for the schedule of field validation/evaluation of the farm.
Should you have any clarifications, you may contact Engr. Rizaldy C. Mercadal- Learning Site Focal Person, Agriculturist II, ATI-RTC VII | 09173218524.