Responding to the persistent clamor among vegetable industry players from Benguet and its neighboring provinces against the alleged resurgence of vegetable smuggling in the country, the Department of Agriculture sent some of its top management officials for a dialogue with industry stakeholders at the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center-Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI moreLatest News
ATI-RTC-CAR Hosts DA’s Dialogue with Benguet’s Vegetable Industry Stakeholders on Vegetable Smuggling
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 10:40Showcasing the Uniqueness of Cordilleran Organic Agriculture: La Trinidad’s Cosmic Farm Hosts DA ASec Laciste and Team from DA-Wide Field Inspectorate
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 10:28LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET. Mr. Rogel Marsan of the Cosmic Farm, together with his family, received DA Assistant Secretary for the DA-Wide Field Inspectorate Federico E. Laciste, Jr and his team for a visit at their farm in Caban, Beckel, La Trinidad, Benguet on March 19, 2022. The farm visit provided the team with an overall view of some of the DA’s extension modalities being implemented in the moreKalinga PAFES Shines: Kalinga PLGU, KSU, and Kalinga RBO Seal MOA with DA for PAFES Implementation
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 10:25TABUK CITY, KALINGA. The province of Kalinga reached another milestone in its adoption and implementation of the Province-led Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Services (PAFES) with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Provincial Local Government Unit (PLGU) of Kalinga, the Kalinga State University (KSU), and the Rural Based Organizations moreLooking through the Grassroots View: ATI-RTC-CAR Focuses AFE-RBME Lens on 2019 Extension Interventions
Thursday, November 17, 2022 - 10:16LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET. Extension is "consistently listening to the people" thus, the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center-Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI-RTC-CAR) continues to mainstream the Agriculture and Fishery Extension - Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (AFE - RBME) along its services. Now on its fourth year of implementation, the 2022 AFE-RBME in CAR aims to moreShowcasing First Fruits of Farm and Fisheries Consolidation Approach in Northern and Central Luzon: CAR Host 2022 F2C2 Luzon A Cluster Summit
Monday, November 7, 2022 - 08:17BAGUIO CITY. The first ever Farm and Fisheries Clustering and Consolidation (F2C2) summit for northern and central Luzon pushed through on June 14 to 16, 2022 at the Hotel Supreme in Baguio City. F2C2, also known Bayanihan Agri-Clusters, is the first of the 18 strategies under the One DA Reform Agenda aiming to achieve a modernized and competitive Philippine agriculture sector. This summit, with moreCBF Stakeholders Convene for Japan-MAFF Funded Project Implementation
Friday, June 10, 2022 - 08:26MANKAYAN, BENGUET. The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) Central Office together with its Regional Training Center in the Cordillera, the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office-CAR (DA-RFO-CAR), various institutional buyers, and representatives of the Manpat-a Farmers Association, Raniag Farmers Association, and Blestdam Farmers Irrigators Association, Inc. converged for a meeting and moreBenguet Adds Seven more Municipalities with BBO Trained on Specimen Collection
Friday, March 4, 2022 - 10:52LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET. Consistent with its aim for all its 13 municipalities to be complete in terms of Barangay Biosecurity Officers (BBO) trained on specimen collection, the Province of Benguet, through its Provincial Veterinary Office (PVO), persistently partnered with the ATI-RTC-CAR and the DA-RFO-CAR for the inclusion of more Benguet BBO in the training on specimen collection. Through more