PhilEASNet CAR Chapter
1. The Philippine Extension and Advisory Services, CAR Chapter
2. Best Practices of members
- AFEN: Establishing Partnerships to Harmonize the Pluralistic Extension and Advisory Services in the Philippines
- Maintenance of Harmonized Extension Services Delivery Through The Various Enabling Mechanisms
- Twin Learning Experience - The Youth For Indigenous Peoples’ Development
- CHAMP 2: Livelihood Assistance Fund
- CHAMP 2: School-On-Air
- Participatory Approach: Heart of CHARMP 2 Project
- Community-Based Monitoring System for Public Good Projects
- Key Project Features
- Key Phasing of Activities
- Summary of Project Goals, Outcomes, and Outputs
- Project activities and sub-activities and how they relate to each other
4. Agricultural News 5. e-Extension
6. Success Stories 7. Agri-Extension Blogs 8. Research and Extension from our Partner SUCs