June is Soil Conservation Month

Thu, 06/09/2022 - 12:46

The Department of Agriculture -Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM) spearheads the Soil Conservation Month(SCM) this June 2022 together with other DA lined-up agencies and link bureaus such as the Agricultural Training Institute.

This yearly event aims to raise awareness and promote to every Filipino people the importance of soil conservation and management. This year’s theme is – “Rising up from the Threats of Land Degradation through Soil Conservation.”

SCM was created by former Secretary Salvador H. Escudero on May 21, 1997 through Department Order No. 2 series of 1997 and Administrative Order No. 16 series of 2007 issued by Secretary Arthur C. Yap.

Offices are encouraged to take part in SCM awareness campaign through the display of tarpaulins, posters, and other campaign collaterals on Soil Conservation at their respective offices, social media pages, and official website.
