Gingoog City witnessed a heartwarming celebration on November 22, 2023, as 20 dedicated individuals graduated from the Coco Farm Business School, marking the culmination of over two months of intensive training and activities. Among the graduates stood Alberto V. Udarbe, a coconut farmer and a member of the Alayon cooperative, a testament to the power of inspiration and newfound ambition.
For Alberto, this experience was a revelation—a first-time venture into formal training. He candidly shared, "My initial reluctance was overshadowed by Manager Maricel's persuasion from Alayon Cooperative. Her words echoed in my mind, pushing me beyond the mountains and urging me to embrace the potential for success outside my comfort zone. I found inspiration and a newfound interest in venturing into business despite my age. Previously, I had never envisioned such possibilities."
Alberto's journey exemplifies the transformative impact of the Farm Business School. Encouraged by the lessons learned and the support garnered, Alberto and his fellow graduates pledged to promptly implement their farm plans. Their commitment and determination reflect a collective aspiration to bring about positive change in their agricultural endeavors.
The Farm Business School's curriculum not only imparted essential agricultural knowledge but also fostered a sense of entrepreneurship and vision among the graduates. Through practical guidance and hands-on experience, participants gained the confidence to step into the realm of business, redefining their aspirations and charting new paths toward success.
As these graduates venture forth, they carry with them the seeds of change sown during their time at the Farm Business School. Their stories of determination and newfound visions serve as beacons of hope and inspiration for the entire community, promising a brighter future for agriculture and business in Gingoog City. (written and submitted by: Efren C. Macario, AO-IV / photos supplied by Reymard Galarrita)