Training of Trainers on Rabbitry Production as an Enterprise

Fri, 06/14/2024 - 16:11

Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental---Twenty (20) trainees, comprising seventeen (17) Agricultural Extension Workers and (3) three farmers from the Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, and Misamis Occidental, completed the five-day Training of Trainers (TOT) on Rabbitry Production as an Enterprise held from June 3 to June 7, 2024, at Lorenz International Skills Training Academy (LISTA) Inc., Lunotan, Gingoog City, Misamis Oriental.

Intending to uplift the Philippine rabbit industry, the training aims to cultivate skilled trainers who will contribute to the advancement of rabbit meat promotion by enhancing rabbitry production within the region.

Jeric L. Cabatac, Project Officer and Agriculturist II at ATI-RTC X, delivered an introductory lecture on rabbit production in the Philippines. He highlighted the potential of rabbit farming as a viable alternative to traditional livestock, emphasizing the comparable production rates of rabbits and chickens.

"Rabbit meat, also known as lapan, boasts higher nutrient content than many other meats. However, there is still hesitation among individuals to accept rabbit as a viable alternative to chicken and pork. Through this training, we aim to encourage farmers to consider rabbit farming as an alternative meat source, which will contribute significantly to achieving a food-secure Region X in the coming years," Mr. Cabatac stated.

The training sessions were further enriched by the expertise of experienced rabbit raisers Maggie Gudella Z. Tse, owner of LISTA Inc.; Josiah B. Gaurano, owner of J&J Highland Rabbitry; and Dexter T. Abaya, owner of Dexter’s RabEatson. These resource persons led discussions, farm tours, and hands-on activities covering various aspects of rabbit farming, including breeds and breeding, feeding and nutrition, management practices, as well as slaughtering and meat processing.

Participants underwent microteaching sessions to evaluate their proficiency in delivering presentations, as part of their training to become trainers in their Local Government Units (LGUs).

This training initiative marks a significant step towards advancing the rabbitry industry in the region, fostering the development of skilled trainers who will play a crucial role in promoting rabbit farming as a sustainable and nutritious meat source. (written and submitted by: Engr. Abdul Azis Y. Abdul Nasser)
