27 AEWs Trained to Enhance Soybean Production in Davao Region

Sat, 06/15/2024 - 06:46

In an effort to reduce the Philippines' reliance on soybean import, the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center XI (ATI-RTC XI) conducted a Training of Trainers on Soybean Production for agricultural extension workers (AEWs) in Davao Region, aiming to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to boost soybean production effectively.

The 3-day training covered various aspects of soybean farming, including the current national and regional status of the soybean industry, methods for soybean growth and development, and integrated approaches to nutrient management and irrigation. Participants also delved into practices for managing weeds and tillage, strategies for pest and disease control, and techniques to maintain grain quality. Moreover, the AEWs engaged in demonstrations on processing soybean by-products into food, as well as learning about product packaging, and the importance of effective supply chain management and marketing strategies.

Mr. Rolls Rubis, Training Specialist I from ATI-RTC XI, and Mr. Raymund Antiola, Science Research Specialist II from the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office XI, served as the resource persons, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge essential for successful soybean farming.

As an outcome of the training, participants developed action plans outlining how and when they would apply and disseminate the acquired knowledge to local farmers. They also gained practical experience by preparing and labeling soybean products, demonstrating their proficiency in the processing techniques.

Through this initiative, ATI-RTC XI empowers AEWs to promote sustainable agricultural practices in the Davao region, ultimately aiming to increase local soybean production and reduce the country's reliance on imports.
