CocoLSA Briefer




  1. Applicant’s Checklist of Requirements;
  2. Signed Briefer;
  3. Self-Assessment;
  4. Letter of Intent to become a CocoLSA;
  5. Farming Learning Site for Agriculture Profile Form;
  6. LSA Qualification Form;
  7. Field Validation Report;
  8. LSA Acceptance Form;
  9. Endorsement of the RTWG; and
  10. If endorsed with financial assistance, a Development Plan shall be required.



Provision of Assistance

Assistance to be provided to the CocoLSAcan either be of the following:

  1. Financial and Technical Assistance.
  2. Technical Assistance Only.



Capability-building support

The ATI shall provide continuous capability-building interventions to the CocoLSAcooperators in the form of: training, coaching, and exposure to various learning activities such as field visits/educational tours, farmer exchange programs, seminars, conferences, congresses, conventions, and other learning modalities.
Further, CocoLSACooperators may be given the opportunity to participate in the training programs on regional Training of Trainers for CFIDP.



Validity of Certification

The certificate shall be effective and valid for five (5) years, subject to renewal.



Renewal of Certification

Six (6) months before the expiration of the Certificate, the certified CocoLSA will be notified by the National Secretariat.

  1. Updated CocoLSAdocumentary requirements;
  2. Improved holding area/transform into a training facility equipped with necessary training equipment that can accommodate 25-30 participants; and
  3. Availability of own lodging facility that can accommodate 25-30 participants or under a lease agreement or under the purchase agreement.



Monitoring and Evaluation

  1. Monitoring shall focus on the outputs as outlined in the guidelines.
  2. The ATI-RTC PASS, in coordination with the National LSA Secretariat shall ensure regular updating of the records/databases
  3. The ATI shall require the CocoLSAsto submit semestralaccomplishment reports containing, among others, a list of clients served, technologies developed, and other accomplishments.
  4. Field monitoring visits to the CocoLSAsshall be conducted by the ATI from time to time to facilitate the collection of data, validate the operations of the CocoLSAs, and provide coaching and mentoring in aid of addressing issues, concerns, and problems.
  5. The internal evaluation shall be undertaken by the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of the ATI-RTCs every two (2) years using the suggested LSA Evaluation Form.

  6. The ATI can partner with the LGUs/SUC, following the government accounting and auditing rules and regulations, to assist in the field monitoring and visit, provision of coaching and mentoring as well as in the conduct of internal evaluation of the CocoLSAs.

  7. An impact evaluation shall be conducted to determine the achievement of the desired outcomes and objectives of the CocoLSAprogram.




Step 1: Briefing. The applicant shall be briefed about the procedure, requirements, and responsibilities of an LSA using the LSA Briefer.

Step 2: Self-Assessment. The applicant shall conduct a self-assessment if they are qualified to become a certified LSA I based on the briefer.

Step 3: Submission of duly accomplished documentary requirements. The LSA applicants shall submit the following documentary requirements: (a) Signed Briefer; (b) Self-Assessment form; (c) Letter of Intent to become a farming/agri-processing enterprise LSA addressed to ATI Director; (d) Endorsement from Municipal/City Agriculture Office or Provincial Agriculture Office; and (e) Farm/Agri-Processing Enterprise Profile Form; Additional requirements (If applicable):

  • For agri-processing enterprise, certified true copy of the business permit and DTI/FDA registration;
  • For government institutions, a Special Order designating/assigning a permanent staff for the operations of the farm/agri-processing enterprise;
  • For organizations, a Board Resolution, SEC Registration / Articles of Incorporation / BIR Registration;

Step 4: Evaluation of Documentary Requirements. The submitted documentary requirements shall be reviewed upon receipt of the application. The applicant will be informed about the results;

Step 5: Field/Virtual Validation. The field/virtual validation shall be undertaken by the TWG to ensure compliance or conformity to approved guidelines.

Step 6: Endorsement of LSA application documents to ATI-CO by the ATI-RTCs. A scanned copy of duly accomplished application documents with endorsement of the RTWG.

Step 7: Issuance of Certificate and Memorandum of Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding Signing. Complete application requirements shall be issued Certification as LSA.


Kindly click to download and fill out the attached forms:
  1. LSA Self-assessment Form
  2. Duly filled-out and signed LSA Farm Profile Form
  3. Signed Letter of Intent for LSA Application Form
  4. Signed Briefer of the LSA Program
Kindly secure also an Endorsement Letter from your City Agriculture Office.
As soon as they are all done, please submit the duly filled out forms and the endorsement letter (scanned copies) to . We will notify you for the schedule of field validation/evaluation of the farm.  
Should you have any clarifications, you may contact Felson Jay V. Mahumot - Learning Site Focal Person,  Agriculturist II, ATI-RTC XI  |  0919 005 7563