ATI-RTC XI participates in JTR with PLGU Davao Occidental for CPAFEP

Fri, 06/07/2024 - 15:42

MALITA, Davao Occidental— The ATI-RTC XI recently joined the Provincial Agriculture Office of Davao Occidental in a Joint Technical Review (JTR) to assess the Resource Assessment commissioned to the Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology (SPAMAST). This serves as the foundation for the Collaborative Province-led Agriculture & Fishery Extension Program (CPAFEP) and aims to evaluate the resources and capabilities of Local Government Units (LGUs) in delivering AFE services.

Among the key objectives of the study included analyzing the province's physical, biological, and socio-economic landscape, evaluating the organization and human resources of extension units, determining financial portfolios and support services, assessing existing infrastructures, identifying relevant programs, gauging stakeholder involvement and satisfaction, and profiling farmers and fisherfolk.

During the review, Provincial Agriculturist Nally Bangoy acknowledged that the study was nearing completion but identified the need for additional details, as suggested during the session.

Meanwhile, Ms. Olivia D. Gatus, Assistant Center Director of ATI-RTC XI, praised SPAMAST for the enhanced report while stressing the importance of comprehensive stakeholder review to ensure data consistency.

In light of this, PA Bangoy announced plans to distribute copies of the study to each Municipal LGU (MLGU) and other stakeholders for their review and input. A final JTR will be scheduled promptly to refine the CPAFEP based on collective feedback.

The JTR was attended by the President, Vice President, and researchers from SPAMAST, and representatives from the Provincial and Municipal LGUs, Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office XI, and Department of Trade and Industry.

Writer: Olivia D. Gatus
