Search for the Filipino Young Farmers Internship Program in Taiwan Batch 5

Fri, 06/28/2024 - 15:06

The Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center XI is filling out four slots for the Filipino Young Farmers Internship Program in Taiwan (FYFIPT) Batch 5.

The FYFIPT is a partnership between Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) and Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in the Philippines. It aims to empower young farmer leaders to become agricultural entrepreneurs.

Basic Qualifications

  1.  Young Filipino farmer preferably a member of 4-H Club in the Philippines, out-of-school youth (OSY), recipients of DA-AMAS Young Farmers Challenge Fund, and graduates of agri-related courses;
  2. Male or female, between 20-35 years old, single, and has no live-in partner or child at the time of application. Age requirement may vary depending on the partner country;
  3. High school graduate of senior high school graduate, college graduates, and/or technical or vocational graduate;
  4. Can be a son or daughter of a farmer or fisher, or cooperator of the ATI-certified LSA or Farm School;
  5. Has existing agricultural land, regardless of size and status of ownership;
  6. Has good community standing and/or good moral character certified  by Barangay Chairman;
  7. Must have at least one (1) year of accumulated farming experience (after high school graduation) at the time of application;
  8. Not employed in any job for at least one year prior to application, certified by the Local Government Unit (LGU);
  9. Has good communication skills and good English proficiency, certified by the LGU;
  10. Not related to any ATI employee by affinity or consanguinity, for up to 3rd degree certified by the (RSC);
    The word "relative" under the Local Government Code refers to those related within the 3rd degree of consanguinity (relationship by blood) or affinity (relationship by marriage) such as spouse (1st degree), children (1st degree), sibling (2nd degree), nephew and niece (3rd degree), and uncle and aunt (3rd degree).
  11. Have no overdue obligations  from the DA or ATI at the time of application;
  12. Not a recipient of ATI's other International Exchange Programs, and has no previous overseas travel related to the internship;
  13. Willing to learn new technologies and foreign languages certified by the ATI-RTC XI;
  14. Must be fully vaccinated (with 3 doses) against COVID-19 at the time of application, including booster shot;
  15. Only small tattoos and small ear piercings for male and female interns are allowed for FYFIPT; and
  16.  Medical certificate with remarks Fit to Work
    Passed the following medical examination, to be done in diagnostic clinics, hospitals, or laboratories accredited by the Department of Health (DOH): a) Certificate of Good Oral Health from the dentist b) Chest x-ray for tuberculosis,
    c) Stool examination for parasites, d) Serological test for syphilis, e) Certification of Hansen's disease test and Measles and Rubella (MMR) antibody- can be submitted during regional or national medical examination, f) Skin examination for Hepatitis B and HIV or AIDs, g) ECG test,  h) Drug tests, i) Electroencephalogram (EEG) test, j)Neuro-physcological tests and certification of no history of any mental illness certified by the medical expert.

Documentary Requirements

  1. Personal Information Sheet (Form No. 1);
  2. Barangay Certification (Form No. 2);
  3. Certificate of Farming Experience and Basic English Knowledge (Form No. 3);
  4. Municipal Endorsement Letter signed by the Municipal Agriculturist (Form No. 4);
  5. Provincial Selection Committee's Endorsement (Form No. 5);
  6. Certificate of No Overdue Obligations from ATI-RTC**  (Form No. 6);
  7. Certificate of Commitment to Learn Foreign Language and New Farming Technologies (Form No. 7);
  8. Regional Selection Committee's Endorsement**  (Form No. 8);
  9. Letter of Recommendation from the Center Director of ATI-RTC**  (Form No. 9);
  10.  Narrative Report during the field validation** 
  11. Certified True Copy of training certificates on agriculture and non-agriculture courses;
  12. Certification from the last school attended on the educational level attained;
  13. Original National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and Police Clearance with one year validity;
  14. Original PSA birth certificate and Certificate of live birth from the Local Civil Registrar Office;
  15. Tax Identification Number or TIN ID;
  16. Original Philippine Passport valid for at least three years at the time of application;
  17. International Certificate of Vaccination from the Bureau of Quarantine or Digital Vaccination Certificates through VaxCertPH with 3 doses against COVID-19 at the time of application, including booster shots; and
  18. Internship agreements** 

Note: Documents marked with an asterisk (*) will be provided by ATI-RTC XI.

Download the application forms here:

Application is open for Davao Region residents only. Interested and qualified applicants may send their accomplished documentary requirements at Submission of forms is until July 15, 2024. Written examination will be on July 17, 2024 at ATI-RTC XI, Panabo City, Davao del Norte.

For inquiries and concerns, you may go to your City/Municipal/Provincial Agriculture Offices and coordinate with the RBO/4-H Coordinators. You may also contact Ms. Lynn A. Leopoldo, 4-H Focal Person of ATI-RTC XI. through 09171494748.
