Tue, 08/15/2023 - 14:46

Tantangan, South Cotabato - August 14, 2023 - The DA Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center XII is currently underway with a comprehensive 5-day training program to bolster agricultural expertise.

The event, focusing on production techniques and nursery management for HVCDP Focal Persons in Region XII, kicked off on August 14 and is set to conclude on August 18, 2023. The training is being held at the Belo Hall of ATI RTC XII, Tantangan, South Cotabato.

The commencement of the training was marked by a warm welcome from Ms. Hannadi G. Pompong, Information Officer III and Chief of the Information Services Section. In her opening remarks, Pompong extended her greetings to the participants, emphasizing the significance of active participation in generating valuable learning experiences. She highlighted the hands-on approach as a crucial factor in enhancing understanding and expertise in agricultural practices.

This training program features the expertise of two distinguished resource persons, Mr. Arnaldo G. Pacio and Ms. Lolita Tomas, both Science Research Specialists II from DA Regional Field Office XII. Drawing upon their extensive knowledge, Pacio and Tomas provided in-depth insights into key topics such as plant propagation, nursery establishment, certification, and accreditation. These insights are poised to equip the 20 Agricultural Extension Workers from the region with the necessary tools to establish and manage nurseries effectively.

The training program aligns with the institute's mission to elevate agricultural practices and foster sustainable growth in the region. With a targeted audience of Agricultural Extension Workers, this initiative is expected to enhance the overall agricultural landscape in Region XII significantly.

As the event progresses, participants will engage in interactive sessions and hands-on activities, further solidifying their grasp of the intricacies of successful agricultural production and nursery management. The training program's holistic approach is anticipated to create a ripple effect, leading to more robust and sustainable agricultural practices that will benefit local communities and the broader region.
