Thu, 07/13/2023 - 15:58

Surallah, South Cotabato - 25 college students from South Cotabato State College recently participated in Batch 20 of the Technical Briefing on the National Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Program (NUPAP). Led by Ms. Mercedita G. Aglibot and Ms. Gladys Hazel Cafe, the briefing aimed to introduce the students to NUPAP's objectives and various urban and peri-urban agricultural technologies.

NUPAP, a key initiative under the Department of Agriculture's Plant Plant Plant Program, focuses on increasing food production and reducing logistic costs to address global concerns such as food security, climate change, and rising input expenses. By equipping college students with knowledge and skills in urban and peri-urban agriculture, the program aims to empower the next generation of agriculturists.

Through the briefing, the participants gained insights into the potential of urban and peri-urban agriculture to transform local food systems and enhance resilience in the face of a changing world. By fostering sustainable practices and innovative farming techniques, NUPAP not only boosts food production but also helps mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. The active involvement of college students in this program exemplifies their enthusiasm and commitment to tackling the challenges of our time, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable and food-secure future for South Cotabato and beyond.
