Tue, 10/24/2023 - 08:55

The Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center XII (ATI-RTC XII), through its Rural-Based Organization Program, recently conducted a significant event – the Nationwide Examination for the Young Filipino Farm Leaders Training Program in Japan Batch 2024. This examination attracted the participation of 18 young farmers, with 6 candidates originating from the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) and 12 from Region 12. Impressively, 16 out of the 18 young farmers successfully passed the examination, marking a significant milestone in their agricultural journey.

The examination, a crucial step toward their training program, took place at Belo Hall, ATI-RTC XII, situated in San Felipe, Tantangan, South Cotabato. Following this achievement, the next phase involves farm validation. During this stage, a team comprising selected ATI staff, along with Provincial and Municipal 4-H Coordinators, will assess the applicants' dedication and commitment to farming. This meticulous evaluation process aims to ensure that the selected candidates possess the qualities and determination necessary to become future leaders in the agricultural sector, fostering a promising future for farming in the region.

The success of these young farmers not only reflects their individual dedication but also highlights the effectiveness of programs initiated by organizations like ATI-RTC XII. Through their commitment and hard work, these budding agricultural leaders are not just shaping their own futures but also contributing significantly to the agricultural landscape of their communities and the nation as a whole.
