Fri, 05/31/2024 - 13:36

On May 28, 2024, Day 2 of the Coconut-Coffee Farming System Training for Batch 3 was held at ATI-STC USM, Kabacan, Cotabato. The session was led by Resource Person Lolita A. Tomas, Science Research Specialist II from the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office XII.

The day began with Mrs. Tomas covering essential topics including Crop and Farm Maintenance, Land Preparation, and both Sexual and Asexual Propagation. She provided a detailed demonstration of the grafting process, allowing participants to practice this technique with her guidance.

In the afternoon, the focus shifted to Soil and Nutrient Management and Insect Pest and Disease Management. To enhance understanding, Mrs. Tomas utilized instructional videos to illustrate these concepts, aiding participants in visualizing and applying the information to their fieldwork. The interactive and practical nature of the training aimed to equip participants with the skills needed to effectively manage and sustain coconut-coffee farming systems.
