Thu, 03/09/2023 - 09:14

As the whole country celebrates National Women’s Month, ATI-RTC 02 trained 20 Rural Improvement Club members across Region 2 through “Juana Knows: Training on Livestock and Poultry by-products Processing and Enterprise” at ATI-RTC 02, Malasin, San Mateo, Isabela from March 6-8, 2023.

Comprised of all women, the participants learned about the Good Manufacturing Practices. The training also equipped them with knowledge on food processing through discussion on common tools and equipment used and techniques using dairy, egg and meat.

Now, the RIC women participants are more confident in identifying appropriate packaging materials suited for specific products and determining the required content of product labels. This will be helpful in case they plan to start a small business.

They participated in hands-on activities which required them to apply the food processing techniques using dairy, eggs and meat. They created various food products such as squash ice cream, kesong puti, and chilled chocolate milk drink. ATI staff tried the food products which received an approval.

Other trainings being conducted also cater women, along with men participants and those belonging in the minority and marginal sector. ATI-RTC 02 stays relentless in promoting inclusivity its programs and services.

Meat Processing


Meat processing


The participants are members of the RICs from different LGUs