Twenty-seven Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) from various municipalities of the provinces of Isabela, Quirino, Cagayan and Nueva Vizcaya attended the Training on Rice Pest and Disease Surveillance at the Agricultural Training Institure - Regional Training Center 02 (ATI-RTC 02), Malasin, San Mateo, Isabela, on October 21-23 and November 7-8, 2024 .

The training aims to enhance the capacity of the participants in rice pest and disease surveillance, enabling them to effectively identify, monitor, and manage pest and disease outbreaks, thereby contributing to sustainable rice production and improved livelihoods for farming communities.

Ms. Ferlene D. Asuncion of LGU-Piat, Cagayan, said that the training is timely and relevant because she learned a lot especially on assesing infestation and damage. "As an AEW of rice, honestly I am just aware of the different pest and diseases but I am not knowledgeable enough on how to assess infestation and damage. After the training, I am now confident to conduct actual assessment of rice pest and diseases, and recommend management practices to farmers," Asuncion said.

To attain the objective of the training, the participants were able to obtain learning through lectures and discussions on various topics. It includes Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Understanding Different Rice Pests, Management Strategies for Rice Pest Control, Surveillance Techniques for Rice Pest Detection, ICT-Based Tools in Decision Making for Pest Management, and field visit and hands-on activities to the Department of Agriculture - Regional Crop Protection Center (DA-RCPC) for Surveillance Techniques for Rice Pest Detection and the use and benefits of biocontrol agents.

As a result, the AEWs are expected to apply data collection techniques and early detection methods for rice pest surveillance, conduct effective sampling and damage assessments for pests and diseases, utilize biological control methods such as beneficial insects and biopesticides, and ensure the safe and effective use of chemical pesticides while understanding pest resistance mechanisms.

In addition, Mr. Noriel S. Bugtong of LGU-Cordon, Isabela appreciated the importance of ICT tools when it comes to pest management. “I learned how to use and recognize the different ICT tools that can help me and the farmers. Also, the major insect pest and diseases and their management, and the importance of Keycheck 3. “Practice synchronous planting after a rest period. A very useful training that we can apply/use on our work and can help our farmers,” Bugtong said.