The Agricultural Training Institute - Regional Training Center 02 (ATI-RTC 02) conducted Training on Accelerating Communication and Engagement thru Knowledge Products Development and Digital Know-how for FITS Staff on August 13-15, 2024 at the ATI-RTC 02, Malasin, San Mateo, Isabela. The training aimed to enhance their knowledge, skills and attitude on the operation of FITS Centers in their respective municipalities.

Twenty-one Farmers’ Information and Technology Service (FITS) Center, staff across the region attended the training. Attendees were also engaged in lecture and participatory-discussion; writeshop, and hands-on activities like editing photos and videos, as well as production of print IEC materials.
FITS staffs also instilled the topics on FITS Center Management, fundamentals of layout and design for print and audio-visual types of IEC materials, techno-based IEC materials development, agri apps and ICT Tools, documentation of activities, report writing, and social media posting (Facebook Page).
There are currently 66 FITS Centers in the Cagayan Valley region that offer information, education, and communication (IEC), information and communications technology (ICT), and advisory services to farmers, fishermen, rural women, entrepreneurs, students, and other clients.
Considering that some of the staff members are new to their roles and duties, the training was relevant to them.

The training changed Ms. Shelita D. Umaddap's perspective, and she obtained expertise and skills that she can apply to her line of work at LGU Villaverde in Nueva Vizcaya. "I value the knowledge and experience I have gained from this training. I didn't know a lot about the FITS center before the training but I have learned a lot after this training. It also changed my perspective about FITS. Every topic was beneficial to us. I would share this with our farmers and use it for my work,” Umaddap said.