Fri, 03/15/2024 - 11:55

Twenty students from Rizal National High School in Santiago City marked a significant milestone as they graduated from their immersion program at the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center 02, on March 13, 2024. These aspiring agriculturists set off on a hands-on experience on January 9, 2024, when they became fully immersed in the agricultural production industry.

Under the mentorship of seasoned mentors at ATI-RTC 02, the students embraced the challenges and opportunities presented by the agricultural sector. From cultivating crops to understanding livestock management, they immersed themselves in every facet of agricultural production, gaining invaluable insights, engaged themselves in e-learning courses, and practical skills along the way. The students’ transformation from passionate learners to capable contributors in food production, against a backdrop of robust farming was noticed.

Additionally, Ms. Chit Bumatay Ribuca, the Principal of Rizal National High School, expressed her pride in the students' accomplishments, highlighting the importance of experiential learning in shaping their future endeavors. She emphasized the role of education in empowering young minds to make meaningful contributions to society, citing the agricultural sector as a vital pillar of economic growth and sustainability. Also, she thanked ATI-RTC 02 for molding their students not just in their learnings but for the skills they gained during their stay at ATI-RTC 02.

Meanwhile, the immersion coordinator of Rizal National High School, Ms. Maylene Espiritu, said, “We always choose ATI-RTC 02 as a partner in honing the knowledge and skills of our students because ATI-RTC 02 is a one stop shop place. All the students need to learn for their immersion period are already here.” She also added that ATI-RTC 02 staff influenced their choice of career path specifically in getting their tertiary courses.

Dr. Claris Marayag-Alaska, OIC-Center Director of ATI-RTC 02, lauded the students for their dedication and passion towards agriculture. She emphasized the pivotal role of youth engagement in driving innovation and progress in the agricultural sector, urging the immersion graduates to harness their newfound knowledge to address the challenges of food security and environmental sustainability. “After your immersion, I hope you were properly cultivated, watered, fertilized by one esteemed staff, like a plant that later on will produce good or quality fruits.” She said.

The graduates received their certificates of completion, a tangible symbol of their commitment and achievement. The graduation of these twenty students from Rizal National High School serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Their journey exemplifies the transformative power of education and hands-on experience in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.


