Fri, 05/26/2023 - 11:52

In view on the importance of sorghum in the production of food and animal feeds, the National Corn Program (NCP) is mandated to provide appropriate support services, which include human resource development, technology development, and dissemination of production technologies that will boost farm productivity, profitability, and resource sustainability.

As the capacity-builder, knowledge bank, and catalyst of the extension system, the Agricultural Training Institute Regional Training Center 02, conducted a three-day training course on sorghum production for 20 Agricultural Extension Workers from different municipalities in Region 2.

Mr. Roynick Aquino discussing sorghum production

The training intends to broaden the knowledge and technical know-how of the participants on sorghum production for effective dissemination and implementation of the program.

Through the technical experts, the AEWs were updated on the overview, status, and benefits of sorghum. They also discussed the cultural management practices of sorghum, different food products & feed products and identified major pests and diseases of sorghum and their bio-control agents, demonstrated skills in processing/value adding and utilization of sorghum product and formulated action plans.

Increasing local production and improving quality of sorghum will contribute to increase the income of farmers thru value-adding. In addition, it will contribute in the growth of the poultry and livestock sector by ensuring a stable supply of locally produced quality feed ingredients.

sorghum field visit