Mon, 04/01/2024 - 12:15

In an effort to strengthen the coconut industry and uplift the livelihoods of coconut farmers in Region 2, series of Information Caravan about the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan or CFIDP were held in Baggao, Lal-lo and Aparri, Cagayan on March 20-22,2024. 


The event, organized by ATI Region 2  in collaboration with partner implementing agencies such as the Philippine Coconut Authority, DA Regional Field aoffice 02, Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation, Commission on Higher Education, Cooperative Development Authority and more,  aimed to disseminate crucial information and gather feedback from the farming community.

For coconut producers, who have long struggled with a number of issues like shifting market prices, aging trees, and restricted access to contemporary farming techniques, CFIDP comes at a crucial time. Farmers are feeling more hopeful now that this program has been unveiled for a better future.

Among the key highlights of the development plan are initiatives focused on modernizing coconut farming practices, enhancing productivity, and promoting value-added products. This includes the introduction of advanced farming techniques, such as intercropping and precision agriculture, to optimize land use and increase yields.



Furthermore, the plan outlines measures to address market flactuations by establishing cooperatives and strengthening market linkages. By consolidating their resources and collective bargaining power, coconut farmers aim to secure better prices for their produce and gain access to wider markets both domestically and internationally.

In addition to agricultural reforms, the development plan places a strong emphasis on socio-economic support for coconut farming communities. This includes initiatives to improve access to education, healthcare, and financial services, empowering farmers to build more resilient livelihoods.

During the information caravan, government officials and industry experts engaged directly with coconut farmers, providing them with valuable insights and guidance on implementing the proposed initiatives. Farmers welcomed the opportunity to voice their concerns and actively participated in discussions aimed at shaping the future of the coconut industry.



As the information caravan concluded, coconut farmers expressed optimism about the transformative impact of the development plan. With a clear roadmap in place and support from the government and industry stakeholders, they are eager to embark on a journey towards a "Masagana, Matatag at Progresibong Industriya ng Niyog sa Bansa."
