Thu, 11/17/2022 - 11:37

As part of the School-on-the-Air on Organic Agriculture Production (SOA-OAP) implementation, our partner Local Government Units conducted hands-on activities on the production of organic concoctions and feeds.

The activity aims to strengthen the knowledge of the SOA enrollees and carry out their learnings from the lecture broadcasted on the radio and Facebook.

The SOA on Organic Agriculture is being conducted in the municipalities of Amulung, Iguig, Peñablanca, Piat, Solana, and Sto. Niño (Cagayan) and City of Cauayan, Gamu, Mallig, San Isidro, San Manuel, & Santiago City. (Isabela).

These hands-on activities are being conducted from October 10 to 28, 2022.

SOA participants of Iguig, Cagayan


SOA participants of San Manuel, Isabela


SOA participants of Amulung, Cagayan


