ATI-CL bags top performer award during Mid-Year Performance Review

Mon, 07/24/2023 - 14:19

The Agricultural Training Institute-Central Luzon (ATI-CL) was hailed as a top performer in terms of physical accomplishments during the ATI Mid-Year Performance in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte on July 20, 2023.

As a top performer, ATI-CL achieved 100% accomplishment across all fund sources and timeliness for the first semester of FY 2023.

In addition, the Center was named Top 2 in overall utilization of fund allocation for Current and Continuing Appropriations covering the first semester.

Further, ATI-CL Center Director, Dr. Joey A. Belarmino, presented the accomplishment of the Center during the said event. Dr. Belarmino further stressed the importance of the support of the Center’s partners and stakeholders for accomplishing this feat. (EDLanada)
