PILAR, BOHOL. The Agricultural Training Institute in Central Visayas conducted an e-Extension Briefing during the Empowering Trainers, Cultivating Success, A Comprehensive Approach to Sustainable Vegetable Production & Farm Business Excellence (Phase 1): Regional Training of Trainers on Vegetable Production held at Labonite Integrated Farm, San Isidro, Pilar, Bohol on February 26, 2025.
Institutionalized by virtue of Department Order No. 03 series of 2007 designates the Agricultural Training Institute as the lead agency for the provision of e-Extension Services in collaboration with the various agencies, bureaus and organizational units of the Department of Agriculture (DA).
This aims to integrate and harmonize ICT based extension delivery system for agriculture and fisheries.
e-Extension is the electronic delivery of extension service is undertaken through a network of institutions that provide a more efficient alternative to a traditional extension system for agriculture, fisheries, and natural resources sectors.
It maximizes the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to attain a modernized agriculture and fisheries sector. It focuses on creating an electronic and interactive bridge where farmers, fishers, and other stakeholders meet and transact to enhance productivity, profitability, and global competitiveness.
A total of 49 participants composed of Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs), Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA) cooperators, farmers, and interns from Bohol Island State University (BISU) participated the activity.