LUGAS vol.1 | 2021: From Frustration to Aggie Passion

Mon, 02/14/2022 - 23:34


From frustration to action. This is  the focus of our latest edition of  LUGAS newsletter. Our cover story  features Mr. Genovivo “Bong”  Cajes,  whom after years of exhausting life in  the corporate arena, shifted his path  and now enjoys a rewarding life as a  farmer and entrepreneur.  

After many setbacks and challenges,  with ATI XI’s financial aid and technical  guidance, Mr. Cajes was able to turn  his frustration into passion. Currently,  the “Macatabo Farm” is a proud Good  Agricultural Practices-compliant. It is located in Baguio District, Davao City and is home to freshly produced vegetables together with dairy  and non-dairy products. 

Apparently, his previous experience is similar to us with  Covid-19 pandemic which is far  from over. Frustrations remain as the pandemic continues to  threaten food security and causing  economic blow to farmers. 

Now, more than ever, extension  is instrumental in fostering  agricultural communities’ resilience and recovery through  rapid and effective sharing of vital  farming knowledge and skills. As  extension agents, this season have  required us to rise to the situation  and answer the call to action.  Thus, we continually provide  trainings and other support  services to our clients to benefit  rural communities.

Likewise, this issue features our  trainings and seminars in face to-face and online set-ups. Most  of the trainings are not only  production-oriented but also  introduced proactive business  opportunities as key to economic  growth and sustainability among  small farmers. 

Though faced with many restrictions, we will also highlight  how we succeeded in reaching to more than 11,000 farmers to enrol  for School-on-the-Air. As a result,  we are proud to have brought  ATI Davao Region to the forefront  as we were awarded the “Best  SOA Implementer” for 2021. This  award belongs to our partners in  extension who helped us fulfil our  mandate.

For over two years, the pandemic  have forced us to move with  apparent limits while serving the  general interests of our farmers.  Yet, we have taken advantage of  the situation that leads us to solid  outcomes.

Considering that, we must  create agricultural extension  programs that continue to operate  seamlessly in a crisis as future  disease outbreaks are likely to  re-occur.

From strengthening broad set  of capacities of our partners to  introducing the right tools and  channels for tailored agricultural  developments, a lot of important  events and stories covering 2021  are prepared for you. We hope  you will find inspiration from our  stories, as they highlight action  and passion as the engines behind  driven extension efforts. 


