TRECE MARTIRES CITY, Cavite – Aiming to gear up 30 agricultural extension workers (AEWs) and farmer leaders for their future knowledge and skills development undertakings for farmers, the DA bureau Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in CALABARZON commenced the “Season-long Training of Trainers on Vegetable Production, Postharvest Handling Technologies, and Marketing” on May 7 with its first phase concluded on May 16, 2024, at ATI CALABARZON’s Training Hall.
During Phase 1 of the training, participants delved deep into various topics such as the vegetable industry situationer, morphology and growth stages of vegetable crops, soil preparation, crop establishment, cultural management practices, integrated nutrient management, good agricultural practices (GAP), integrated pest management, as well as presentation and facilitation skills.
They also showcased what they had learned in the course of the first phase through microteaching presentations in preparation for their future activities.
During the completion of the first phase, ATI CALABARZON Center Director Dr. Rolando V. Maningas urged participants to finish the entire course as this will be beneficial not only to them but more importantly to the farmers in their respective areas and the vegetable industry at large.
Meanwhile, Phase 2 of the training will begin on May 22 to September 13, 2024, to be conducted three days a week from Wednesdays to Fridays and will last for 16 weeks.
Special topics to be covered in Phase 2 include agro-ecosystems analysis (AESA), climate change, integrated farming system, farm record keeping, grafted seedlings production and management, harvesting and postharvest handling technologies of vegetables, concepts of organic agriculture and preparation of organic concoctions, vegetable crop varieties and seed production, processing, value adding and marketing, and scientific writing.
In the second phase, participants will be required to apply the technologies and share experiential and science-based knowledge in vegetable production with the farmers through Participatory Technology Demonstration (PTD) and Farmers Field School (FFS) wherein 150 farmer participants in various communities will serve as beneficiaries.
The training is facilitated by ATI CALABARZON’s Career and Development Management Section (CDMS) under the High-value Crops Development Program (HVCDP).
News by: Archie C. Linsasagin