CALABARZON – In preparation for the Young Filipino Farm Leader Training Program in Japan (YFFLTPJ) 2024, Jairo Rabano, a young agripreneur hailed from Tiaong, Quezon, is undergoing an intensive pre-departure orientation course (PDOC) facilitated by the Department of Agriculture – Agriculture Training Institute (DA-ATI) CALABARZON.
DA-ATI, in partnership with the Japan Agricultural Exchange Council (JAEC), has been implementing the said program through the years that aims to provide opportunities for young Filipino farmers to acquire relevant knowledge and skills in agricultural technologies and new farming systems through theory and practice.
Rabano was selected among five shortlisted applicants in the region after the thorough examination and field validation of the DA-ATI CALABARZON. This Agriculture graduate from the University of the Philippines Los Baños is also the sole delegate of CALABARZON for YFFLTPJ 2024.
From January 15 to February 9 this year, he spent his initial PDOC at accredited Learning Sites for Agriculture (LSAs) of DA-ATI CALABARZON, focusing on Rice and Vegetable Production, Farm Machineries, Livestock Production, Smart Agriculture, and Agripreneurship.
As of this writing, Rabano is taking his Nihongo classes at the DA-ATI Central Office, along with other candidates from other regions.
Earlier last year, Rabano also received financial support from the Youth Agripreneurship Program (YAP) of DA-ATI for his agribusiness proposal “Talipa Farms: Hydroponics Lettuce Ice Cream.”
Meanwhile, last February 22, Alecx Atienza from Nasugbu, Batangas, and Richard Villanueva from San Pablo City, Laguna completed their internship for YFFLTPJ 2023 after 11 months. They were among the 24 trainees from the country.
Atienza had his training in Dairy Cattle Production while Villanueva concentrated on Vegetable Production. After their arrival, they proceeded to the Central Office and stayed for three days for the presentation of their proposals, re-entry planning, and closing ceremony of the said program.
News by: Archie Linsasagin