Committed to empower its partner in shaping the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) landscape in the Region, the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center 1 conducted a five-day Training Management Course for Extension Partners on March 18-22, 2024 at ATI-RTC I, Tebag East, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. This training was designed to capacitate ATIβs certified Learning Sites for Agriculture (LSA) and accredited Extension Service Providers as conduits in the delivery of extension services especially in the conduct of trainings in rural communities.

Twenty-five (25) LSA Cooperators and ESPs from different provinces in the Region completed the training with bolstered knowledge, skills and attitude on the different approaches and methods in agriculture and fisheries extension; training and its cycle; writing communication letters; preparing visual aids; documents organization and filing system; liquidation report, and PhilGeps registration. The last two (2) topics were add-ons to help the LSAs and ESPs become efficient in government transactions- as suppliers and service providers of training venues and other needs.

The five-day training was delivered through lecture-discussions, workshops, and output presentations in each of the topics presented. Through this, the extension partners were able to familiarize the ATI way of training and are enthusiastic to apply their newfound knowledge and is now more ready to serve their clients and their community.