The Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center I (ATI-RTC I) conducted the first batch of Skills Training on the Production of Biocontrol Agents for Various Coconut Pest Control on June 18-20, 2024 at ATI-RTC I, Tebag East, Santa Barbara, Pangasinan.
This training aimed to equip the participants with knowledge and skills to effectively manage coconut pests using biocontrol agents. The training was attended by 29 coconut farmers and agricultural extension workers from the Province of Pangasinan.
Lecture discussions were delivered by experts from the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) and the DA-Regional Crop Protection Center (RCPC). The latter also provided the participants hands-on experience in producing and applying different bio-control agents at the DA-RCPC laboratory and field.
The training hopes to contribute in achieving increased production and income of the coconut farmers.