To increase youth engagement in organic farming, the Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center I (DA-ATI-RTC I) conducted an Information Caravan on Youth Internship Program on Organic Agriculture (YIPOA) on March 6, 2025, at DA-ATI-RTC 1, Tebag East, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan.
The information caravan aimed to create awareness about the implementation of the internship program, which is formerly known as Youth Scholarship Grants on Organic Farming. A total of 23 youth applicants participated in the activity, demonstrating their interest in being part of the internship program, and 11 farm partner applicants were also in attendance, showcasing the best organic-related farming practices and technologies that they can offer for the attainment of the program’s objectives.

In her presentation, Dr. Grace Ventura, ATI-RTC 1 Senior Agriculturist, explained the Implementing Guidelines for the YIPOA and the ultimate goals and objectives of the program, which is to increase the engagement of the youth in agriculture, particularly in sustainable and organic agriculture.
To note, the YIPOA is now in its third year of implementation. The program was designed to provide intensive training to youth in qualified farm partners that will serve as host farms for the youth intern and be their mentors in the development and management of organic agri-enterprises.

Additional highlights of the one-day activity include an open forum, allowing the participants to raise clarifications and sharing of experiences, challenges encountered, and practices from the participants of the YIPOA Batch 1. The farm partner applicants were also given significant moments to present the profile of their respective farms, showcasing their commitment to promoting organic agriculture.

As the program was about to end, one of the farm partner applicants expressed his experience during the information caravan activity.“There are a lot of kids, young minds, to become part of Agriculture in the Philippines. They are the future of the Philippines. Farming is always the key to success for the Philippines” Said by Mr. Robert Viloria, owner of Malakas Farm from San Juan, Ilocos Sur said. He also hopes that young people who have good minds in agriculture must explore first agriculture life in the Philippines before thinking of going into other countries.
The information caravan is an essential strategy to create awareness among youth and farm owners, leading them to more opportunities and contributing to develop the agriculture sector.