
Notice of Award for the Procurement of Consolidated Catering Services for Trainings and Activities of A TI-RTC I

Tue, 06/27/2023 - 14:56

Notice of Award for the Procurement of Consolidated Catering Services for Trainings and Activities of A TI-RTC I, with Project No. 2023-06-0190, we 
would like to confirm the AWARD for items as listed in the amount of One Million One Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand Two Hundred Twenty-Five Pesos (Php 1,124,225.00). 

INVITATION TO BID for Procurement of Consolidated Catering Services for Trainings and Activities of ATI-RTC I 1

Fri, 06/02/2023 - 15:37

INVITATION TO BID for Procurement of Consolidated Catering Services for Trainings and Activities of ATI-RTC I 1


1. The Agricultural Training Institute – Region 1, through the General Appropriations Act of 2023 intends to apply the sum of One Million Two Hundred Fifty-Two Thousand...

Notice to Proceed for the Procurement of Consolidated Training and Office Supplies for ATI-RTC I Trainings and Activities

Wed, 05/17/2023 - 10:09

Notice to proceed is hereby given to APEX MULTIPURPOSE COOPERATIVE that work may commence on the start of the activity specified in Section VI. Schedule of Requirements for the Procurement of Consolidated Training and Office Supplies for ATI-RTC I Trainings and Activities, with project no: 2023-04-0114 in the amount of One Million Two Hundred Eighty-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seven Pesos (Php...

Notice of Award for the Procurement of Consolidated Training and Office Supplies for ATI-RTC I Trainings and Activities

Mon, 05/15/2023 - 10:03

Notice of Award for the Procurement of Consolidated Training and Office Supplies for ATI-RTC I Trainings and Activities, with Project No. 2023-04-0114, we would like to confirm the AW ARD for items as listed in the amount of One Million Two Hundred Eightv-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seven Pesos (Php 1,288,907.00). 


Notice to Proceed for the Procurement of Catering Services for the Various Trainings and Activities of ATI-RTC I

Thu, 05/11/2023 - 13:47

Notice to proceed is hereby given to ST. MARY'S PWD MULTIPURPOSE COOPERATIVE that work may commence on the start of the activity specified in Section VI. Schedule of Requirements for the Procurement of Catering Services for the Various Trainings and Activities of ATI-RTC I, with project no: 2023-04-0100 in the amount of One Million Two Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand Seve...

Notice of Award for the Procurement of Catering Services for the Various Trainings and Activities of ATI-RTC I

Sat, 04/29/2023 - 11:01

The contract for the Procurement of Catering Services for the Various Trainings and Activities of ATI-RTC I, with Project No. 2023-04-0100, we would like to confirm the AWARD for items as listed in the amount of One Million Two Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand Seventy Pesos (Php 1,222,070.00). 

NOTICE TO PROCEED for the Procurement of Catering Services for the Season-Long Training of Trainers on Rice-Based Integrated Farming System for AEWs: A DUR-AS ATI Initiative

Fri, 04/28/2023 - 14:58

NOTICE TO PROCEED for the  Procurement of Catering Services for the Season-Long Training of Trainers on Rice-Based Integrated Farming System for AEWs: A DUR-AS ATI Initiative with project no: 2023-03-0077 in the amount of One Million Five Hundred Eighty Thousand Four Hundred Pesos (Php 1,580,400.00). 

NOTICE TO PROCEED for the Procurement of Catering Services for the School-on-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture (SOA-SRA)

Fri, 04/28/2023 - 14:50

NOTICE TO PROCEED for the Procurement of Catering Services for the School-on-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture (SOA-SRA)  with project no: 2023-03-0078 in the amount of One Million Sixteen Thousand Pesos (Php 1,016,000.00). 

Notice to proceed for the Procurement of T-Shirt for the School on-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture (SOA-SRA)

Fri, 04/28/2023 - 13:16

Notice to proceed is hereby given to WOMAN FINE CLOTHING, INC. that work may commence on April 27, 2023 for the Procurement of T-Shirt for the School on-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture (SOA-SRA) Graduation with Project no. 2023-03-0079 in the amount of Three Hundred Twenty Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Two Pesos (Php 329,982.00). 

Notice of Award for the Procurement of T-shirt for the School-on-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture (SOA-SRA) Graduation

Tue, 04/25/2023 - 10:42

The contract for the procurement of T-shirt for the School-on-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture (SOA-SRA) Graduation with Project No. 2023-03-0079, we would like to confirm the AWARD for items as listed in the amount of  Three Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-Two Pesos Only (Php 329, 982.00)