The Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center I (ATI-RTC I) and the Bureau of Plant Industry - National Seed Quality Control Services I (BPI-NSQCS I) led a Training Course on Quality Rice Seed Production for Seed Analysts on July 29-31, 2024, at ATI-RTC I, Tebag East, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan.
This undertaking is part of the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF) program under the Extension Service Component which aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of seed analysts and seed inspectors on up-to-date technologies and practices for the production of quality rice seed It also aims to orient them on the latest guidelines in seed certification as well as their roles in the certification process.

Fifteen (15) seed analysts from BPI-NSQCS and 15 seed inspectors from various municipalities in Region I were capacitated through lecture-discussions and practical sessions on seed germination, moisture meter usage, seed purity tests, physical purity tests, and seed certification procedures.
The final part of the training involved preparing an action plan, which included their commitment to fulfill their roles as analysts and inspectors and be of assistance to the seed growers.
The training was accredited by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Council granting participants 6 CPD units.