AgriKids Thrive in a Day of Fun and Farming at ATI

Sat, 10/28/2023 - 09:01

At the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), we believe in sowing the seeds of knowledge early, and that's precisely what we did with our recent #AgriKids program.

This initiative is designed to introduce young minds to the fascinating world of agriculture, providing them with valuable insights into farming practices and inspiring a love for farming.

To give the kids a true taste of farming life and embraced the role, the kids donned the attire of real farmers, animals and/or crops costume and embarked on a day filled with engaging and educational activities.

As kickoff of the day, the AgriKids were introduced to the world of agriculture through a combination of interactive and informative sessions. They watched educational videos that highlighted the various aspects of farming and were given coloring sheets featuring drawings of farm scenes, allowing them to express their creativity and understanding of the agricultural environment.

One of the highlights of the event was the eco-friendly DIY activity. The AgriKids were given the opportunity to design and paint plastic pots made from recycled plastic bottles. This exercise not only instilled a sense of environmental responsibility but also taught them the value of repurposing materials in agriculture.

A farm tour at the ATI Technodemo Farm was an unforgettable part of the AgriKids program. During this tour, the AgriKids were introduced to a variety of farm animals. They had the chance to experience firsthand the joy of feeding goats, sheep, rabbits and chicken.

In addition to their animal encounters, the AgriKids also had the chance to get their hands dirty by harvesting fresh vegetables from the ATI Technodemo Farm. This practical experience allowed them to learn about the importance of food production and the journey of crops from the field to the table.

As the 25 kids walked away from their day as "junior farmers," they left with more than just the memory of a fun-filled day. They carried with them the curiosity, knowledge and passion about the vital role of agriculture in our lives.

