The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in MIMAROPA spearheaded the Training of Trainers (TOT) on Coconut Production with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) at ATI-RTC MIMAROPA, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro on August 5-9, 2024.
ATI-MIMAROPA Center Director Pat Andrew B. Barrientos graced the training and highlighted the components of Republic Act 11524, the hybridization of coconuts, the importance and benefits of registration in the National Coconut Farmers Registry System (NCFRS), farm diversification, Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) insurance and its medical benefits.
The resource persons from the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) and ATI-MIMAROPA imparted various insights to the participants to enhance their expertise and understanding of the Coconut Industry Situationer, and the Coconut Farmers Industry Development Program. They also provided discussions on coconut farm management and maintenance practices, the economics of coconut, and GAP certification processes.
The participants were also engaged in different hands-on activities including a moving exam on identifying different parts and functions of a coconut and seednut, determining the varieties and characteristics of seednuts, and selecting good seednuts for planting.
As outputs, the participants developed illustrations of diversified farm lay-outs, prepared and written field observation reports and action plans that were tailored to the needs of their municipalities.
A total of 20 participants including three Agricultural Extension Workers, one representative from PCA - Contractual Coconut Development Officers, and 16 farmer-leaders participated in the TOT.