Welcome to the Agricultural Training Institute

The Agricultural Training Institute was created through Executive Order No. 116 on January 30, 1987 from the merger of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension (BAEx), the Philippine Agricultural Training Council (PATC) and the Philippine Training Centers for Rural Development (PTC-RD). It has one International Training Center for Pig Husbandry (ITCPH) and 15 Regional Training Centers of which ATI-RTC-CAR is one.

The Institute is mandated as follows:

By virtue of EO 116, s. 1987, the ATI shall be responsible for the training of all agricultural extension workers and their clientele, who are mostly farmers and other agricultural workers, ensure that training programs address the real needs of the agricultural sector, and ensure that the research results are then communicated to the farmers through the appropriate training and extension activities.

RA 8435, s. 1997 strengthened the role of ATI as the DA’s extension and training arm and overall manager of the A&F training and extension of the country. Moreover, it expanded the scope of A&F extension to training services, farm and business advisory services, demonstration services and information, education and communication (IEC) support services through tri-media.

Rationalization Plan (October 10, 2013). Pursuant to Executive Order No. 338, s. 2001, the Institute implemented the Rationalization Plan and reiterated the mandated functions of ATI as follows:

  • Lead in the formulation of the National Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Agenda and Budget;
  • Prepare an integrated plan for publicly-funded training programs in agriculture and fisheries;
  • Formulate and issue guidelines in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating AFE programs; and
  • Assist in the coordination with State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), the Local Government Units’ (LGUs) extension system by improving their effectiveness and efficiency through capability building and complementary extension activities such as technical assistance, training of personnel, improvement of physical facilities, extension cum research and information support services.

In November 2016, ATI-RTC-CAR is one of the seven RTCs that received a plaque of recognition from the Government Quality Management Committee for successfully establishing its Quality Management System leading to its ISO 9001:2008 certification. The six RTCs were regions II, VI, VIII, XII, and XIII as well as the International Training Center on Pig Husbandry who have earned their certifications after complying with the same ISO standards.