Extension Programs and Projects

The Institute continues to explore various areas of collaboration and partnership for its agricultural extension initiatives to ensure that the farmers and fishers are able to maximize the services designed to uplift their living condition. This includes the various extension programs and projects that aims to empower the Rural-Based Organizations (RBOs) and stakeholders under the Urban Agriculture Program.
Certified Learning Site and Accredited Private Agriculture and Fisheries-Extension Service Provider
- Level 1: Learning Sites for Agriculture I (LSA I). As part of our ladderized approach to extension service, we support the development of rural farms by certifying them as model sites that serve as demonstration areas for hands-on learning.
- Level 2: Learning Sites for Agriculture II (LSA II). We support the further development of LSA I farms to the next level. Once qualified, LSA II farms offer farm business advisory services, demonstration services, information services and training services, whose owners/operators also become farmer-trainers cultivating not only attitude, skills and knowledge (ASK) but also wisdom among farmers and fishers.
- Level 3: Private Extension Service Providers (P-ESPs). We accredit organized institutions to become P-ESPs that serve as our partners in the provision of extension services to farmers/fishers and their organizations.
Urban Agriculture Program
The program seeks to improve the mindset of the urban dwellers towards sustainable urban food production that will provide available, affordable, and accessible safe and nutritious food that will ultimately lead to enhanced food security. This involves assisting urban communities in establishing integrated urban agriculture gardens, providing households with starter kits and urban farming-related information, education, communication (IEC) materials, and enhancing the capabilities of the urban households and communities through ATI’s e-Learning training courses on urban gardening, fisheries production, agriculture technologies, among others.
In this line, the Institute initiated the ATIng Gulayan ng DA: Vegetable Gardens in the City which is highlighted by Establishment of Integrated Urban Agriculture Gardens; Provision of Starter Kits for Household Garden; and Establishment/Maintenance of ATIng Gulayan at ATI Central Office; among others.
Organization of Rural-Based Organizations
ATI ensures participation among stakeholders and its clientele in the creation and revitalization of farmers’ organization such as RBOs. ATI also adopts holistic approaches and strategies to encourage engagement and commitment among the said stakeholders to bring about significant changes in the countryside. Hence, ATI serves as the national secretariat and overall coordinator in the management and supervision of the revitalization and sustaining the activities of the RBOs.
The program is composed of various phases such as: Information Drive; Situation Analysis; Rapid Appraisal/Participatory Assessment; Orientation; Facilitation of Registration; and Provision of incentives to the organization of RBOs.